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How It Works





  Personal Development Tool Demo


Fast Answers Demo



Knowledge Central Demo



Learning Connection Demo





The Void



e-coach Overview



A Serious Spoof


Participating in Meetings:  Fast Answers



Typical e-coach Fast Answers from Participating in Effective Meetings.



Chris needs to provide leadership for her unit. She is responsible for managing a large-scale reengineering project to radically change the way Finance works. She has to use her leadership ability to create the right climate and motivate, so others will want to do something that is tough to accomplish. Chris has taken the course on leadership offered by the company. She has read several key books about leadership, including The One-Minute Manager and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

Chris has just come back from a meeting with her team, and she is discouraged about how it went. People do not seem at all interested in or excited about the current initiative. Chris wants some advice -- specifically about how she can help the whole group to be more creative and innovative in this thinking. Typically, Chris would discuss this problem with Karen, her boss, or Bob, a colleague who shares a similar role. But both of them are out of town working with clients, and this won’t wait ‘til they get back.

In this situation, Chris can go to e-coach for "Fast Answers." She can follow the advice she gets from Fast Answers and then have a follow-up discussion about the whole thing with Karen and Bob when they get back. Because e-coach is always available, Chris can begin to make improvements right away.



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